Hi! I just wanted to say that I don´t grasp any word in icelandic; but the word BRASA, in Portuguese (Brazilian, if you want it so), means EMBER, RED-HOT COAL. - Anything about it on the picture above? Ah ha ha ha!... (I´d just wish to say hello to an Icelander!!! - from bruno0moreno.claro@gmail.com )
Á daginn er hægt að finna mig í Inntak þar sem ég er að nördast við leitarvélabestun og almennt, markaðssetningu á internetinu. Svipað um kvöld og helgar!
1 ummæli:
Hi! I just wanted to say that I don´t grasp any word in icelandic; but the word BRASA, in Portuguese (Brazilian, if you want it so), means EMBER, RED-HOT COAL. - Anything about it on the picture above? Ah ha ha ha!... (I´d just wish to say hello to an Icelander!!! - from bruno0moreno.claro@gmail.com )
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